Flow Tango - Freedom to dance !
26-28.04.2024 - Saint-Avé // (near to Vannes, Morbihan - France)
Three days of dance and conviviality based round the tango,
with a repertoire of traditionnel and contemporary music
Flow Tango is a marathon , bringing together all who dance the tango, for a time of meeting, exchange, conviviality, and of course dance ; mixing modern and
traditional musical repertoire.
Our aim is to combine these two present-day Tango tendancies, in a spirit of discovery, empathy, and fraternity. The musical repertoire will surprise, and we hope, enchant you.
The setting is warm and welcoming ; and we guarantee you a great time ; both on and away from the dance-floor.
More details to follow.
To be sure of spending some quality time together, we will share together the evening meal ; the cost is included in the Pass.
The number of places is limited ; so reserve your Pass
straight away !!
Early Bird up till 15th March 2024
All inclusive Full Pass 120€
Reductins "student, job-seakers" 100€
From 16 March
Full Pass all inclusive €130
Reduced rate "student, RSA, jobseeker" €100
(please contact us beforehand)
Day passes :
Friday 26.04, €30
Saturday 27.04, full day: €60
Sunday 28.04, full day: €50
(see programme for details of each day, including Graphia Corpus membership)
Included in the Full Pass
# 24 hours of dance
# 2 workshops on « musicality "with Elie Golgevit"
# the three evening meals ( Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
# drinks ( open bar )
# membership of the Graphia Corpus association
Friday 26th
6 p.m : Workshop with "Les cuisiniers solidaires"
7 to 8 p.m : shared meal
8 p.m to 2.00 a.m : Milonga
Saturday 27th
11.a.m to 12.30 : Workshop
"intention and attention" with Elie Golgevit
2 p.m to 7.30 : Milonga
7.30 to 9 p.m : shared meal
21 p.m to 2 a.m : Milonga
Sunday 28th
11 a.m to 12.30 : Workshop
"intention and attention" with Elie Golgevit
14 p.m to 18:30 p.m : Milonga
18:30 p.m to 20 p.m : shared meal
20 p.m to 23 p.m : Milonga
Workshop with "les cuisiniers solidaires"
Cooking together to inaugurate Flow Tango!
Les Cuisiniers Solidaires are on hand at cultural and civic events to make the most of foodstuffs and offer them as gifts, always with the aim of encouraging people to meet, exchange ideas and enjoy each other's company.
Everyone is invited to take part in the preparations and set-up, and to approach others to share a smoothie, a soup or a fruit kebab. Concrete, simple, immediate actions that reinforce solidarity and living together.
Wand to extend your stay in Brittany ?
Let us know, as a Breton at heart, Sophie will be delighted to advise you on the region's unmissable sights and discoveries! And why not guide you if you have a small group?
Contact us at
Practical informations
Acces to the Espace Jean Le Gac
Rue des Alizés - 56 890, Saint-Avé
By bus from the SNCF railway Station at Vannes
line 7 direction Saint-Avé Le Poteau,
alight at the "Laïcité" stop.
Nearest airport
Nantes Atlantique-Bouguenais
Aéroport le plus proche :
Nantes Altantique - Bouguenais,
then by car-share to Saint-Avé.
Carpooling & Co.
Once you have registered, a shared document will put you in touch with other dancers to find carpooling, accommodation, etc.
Accomodation :
Airbnb :
The town centre and the Beau Soleil area can be
accessed on foot.

DJ Phil, from Toulouse
I initiated the beginnings of neo-tango in Toulouse in 2015 ; but
with a desire to mix together neo and traditional Tango. I enjoy
the structure of the milonga ; tango, waltz, tango, tango,
milongo ; with no cortina.
Elie and Sophie offer us three days to ‘ dfisconnect ‘ ; and to
immerse ourselves in their world ; a world both poetic and
We’ll teach Brittany how to tango !!
Les artistes

DJ Elodie, from Angers
After ten or so years spent exploring the dance-floor as a dancer ; the
catalyst which drove me « behind the turntables » was the desire to help raise awareness of the wealth of the non-traditional musical repertoire.
Convinced that the best way to free the "neo-tango" from its ghetto was to incorporate these tracks into traditional tango sets. I started ,as from 2018, to host evenings where the alternative repertoire had its place alongside the waltz and the milonga. Although my own preference tends to the contemporary repertoire, I revel in the challenge of proposing sets where the two styles converge, and reflect each other ; both to increase the enjoyment of the dancers ; and also to cater for their varied tastes. In the field of music, and in that of dance, we have everything to gain from dialogue and diversity. In a world where retrenchment behind separating walls is typical of our time.
There is an urgent need to create paths for the exchange and sharing of emotions. It is to this new breath of hope and freedom that Elie and Sophie invite us with "Flow tango" and it is a great pleasure for me to participate inthis adventure as DJ.

DJ Fabio, de Nice
It’s in my native town of Naples that I first discovered the tango in 2009. As a Yoga teacher I have worked for many years on the connexions between body and spirit through the power of music,
which can create moments where time stands stiill and we have
access to another dimension. My passion for traditional tango,and my explorations of the neo-tango repertoire have incited me to harmonize and unite the two, and create an atmosphere where no separation exists in the Milonga and both repertoires are present on the same dance-floor.
As from 2013 I have been presenting this new combination in
Nice ; where the barriers between styles disappear in the face of shared emotion.
I have been involved as a DJ in numerous festivals and marathons in Europe ( France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland ) where, through my musical choices, determined by sensitivity and emotion,
dancers are given the space and the opportunity to freely express
their feelings.

Elie Golgevit
Workshop "Intention et attention "
We usually think of the tango as being a dance for a couple ; but we can also see it as a triangular relationship linking the two dancers to the music. Seen in this light, each dancer is responsible for their connection to the music, as well as for their relationship to their partner.
This way of looking at the tango gives the dancers more autonomy, more mutual awareness, and also generates a shared responsibility in the creation of the dance.
Dancing the tango becomes a simple and enjoyable means to express one’s musicality, and leads to a sharing together of each person’s personal conception of the dance.